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  • June at Harmony Therapies
  • June at Harmony Therapies
  • June at Harmony Therapies
  • June at Harmony Therapies

MSTR: Mcloughlin Scar Tissue Release © ®

McLoughlin Scar Tissue RealeaseMSTR : McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release was developed by Bowen Therapy teacher, Alastair McLoughlin. Following a treatment, a scar becomes less noticeable and decreases in size. The actual treatment is performed in a short time. 7 minutes for a small scar and 15 minutes for a larger scar, providing the client is feeling comfortable with the work. MSTR also softens damaged tissue under and around the scar, allowing blood and lymph flow to return to area. This gives a better range of movement and ease of any associated pain.

SHF         Federation of Holistic Therapists


Huntly Business Centre,
Gordon Street,
AB54 8FG

Tel: 07876 407203
Email: juneatharmony@hotmail.com

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Monday - Thursday:
9.00 - 7.00pm

9.00 - 5.00pm

9.00 - 1.00pm

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